domingo, 27 de octubre de 2019

Peter and the wolf

This is the story of Peter and the wolf. (Serguéi Prokófiev 1891-1953)

Each character in the tale is going to be represented by a

different instrument of the orchestra. For instance, the bird will
be played by the flute. (Like this.) Here's the duck, played by
the oboe. The cat by the clarinet. The bassoon will represent
grandfather. The wolf by the French horns. And Peter by the
strings. The blast of the hunters' shotguns played by the kettle
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin.
Early one morning, Peter opened the gate and went out into the big

green meadow.
On a branch of a big tree sat a little bird, Peter's friend. "All

is quiet, All is quiet" chirped the bird gaily. Yes all is quiet.
Just then a duck came waddling round. She was glad that Peter

hadn't closed the gate and decided to take a nice swim in the deep
pond in the meadow.
Seeing the duck, the little bird flew down upon on the grass,

settled next to her and shrugged his shoulders. "What kind of bird
are you if you can't fly?" said he. To this the duck replied "What
kind of bird are you if you can't swim?" and dived into the pond.
They argued and argued, the duck swimming in the pond and the

little bird hopping along the shore.
Suddenly, something caught Peter's attention. It was a cat

crawling through the grass.
The cat thought; "The bird is busy arguing, I'll just grab him.

Stealthily she crept towards him on his velvet paws.
"Look out!" shouted Peter and the bird immediately flew up into

the tree, while the duck quacked at the cat, from the middle of
the pond. The cat walked around the tree and thought, "Is it worth
climbing up so high? By the time I get there the bird will have
flown away."
Just then grandfather came out. He was angry because Peter had

gone in the meadow. "It is the dangerous place. If a wolf should
come out of the forest, then what would you do?"
But Peter paid no attention to his grandfather's words. Boys like

Peter aren't afraid of wolves.
But grandfather took Peter by the hand, locked the gate and led

him home.
No sooner had Peter gone, than a big grey wolf came out of the

In a twinkling the cat climbed up into the tree. The duck quacked,

and in her excitement jumped out of the pond. But no matter how
hard the duck tried to run, she couldn't escape the wolf.
He was getting nearer, nearer, catching up with her. Then he got

her and with one gulp swallowed her.
And now, this is how things stood: the cat was sitting on one

branch, the bird on another, not too close to the cat.
And the wolf walked round and round the tree, looking at them with
hungry eyes.
In the meantime, Peter, without the slightest fear, stood behind

the gate watching all that was going on.
He ran home, got a strong rope. and climbed up the high stone
One of the branches of the tree around which the wolf was walking
stretched out over the wall.
Grabbing hold of the branch, Peter lightly climbed over on to the

tree. Peter said to the bird: "Fly down and circle over the
wolf's head. Only take care that he doesn't catch you."
The bird almost touched the wolf's head with his wings while the

wolf snapped angrily at him, this side and that.
How that bird teased the wolf! And how the wolf wanted to catch

him! But the bird was clever, and the wolf simply couldn't do
anything about it.
Meanwhile, Peter made a lasso and carefully letting it down and

down and down, caught the wolf by the tail and pulled with all his
Feeling himself caught, the wolf began to jump wildly trying to

get loose.
But Peter tied the other end of rope to the tree, and the wolf's

jumping only made the rope round his tail tighter.
Just then the hunters came out of the woods, following the wolf's

trail and shooting as they went.
But Peter, sitting in the tree, said: "Don't shoot! Birdie and I

have already caught the wolf. Now help us take him to the zoo."
Now just imagine, just imagine the triumphant procession. Peter at

the head. After him the hunters leading the wolf. And winding up
the whole procession grandfather and the cat.
Grandfather shook his head discontentedly. "Well, if Peter hadn't

caught the wolf? What's then?"
Above them flew Birdie chirping merrily. "My, what brave fellows

we are, Peter and I! Look what we have caught!"
And if one would listen very carefully, he would hear the duck

quacking inside the wolf, because the wolf, in his hurry, had
swallowed her alive.


Hi everybody!
Here you have songs, games... for Halloween. Have fun!


1º, 2º y 3º Primaria:
Knock knock

Eency Weency Spider

Stomp Halloween

4º y 5º Primaria:
Halloween song


 5º Y 6º de Primaria:
The Addams family CUP game

3º y 4º Primaria:
Pass the Pumpkin Read-along Rhythm


1º, 2º Y 3º Primaria:
Pass The Witch's Broomstick

The skeleton dance


6º Primaria:
Danza Macabra  (Camille Saint-Saëns, París, 9 de octubre de 1835-Argel, 16 de diciembre de 1921)

(Dance of Death) is based on this poem written by Henri Cazalis:
 Zig, zig, zig, Death in cadence, 
 Striking with his heel a tomb, 
 Death at midnight plays a dance-tune, 
 Zig, zig, zig, on his violin. 
 The winter wind blows and the night is dark; 
 Moans are heard in the linden-trees. 
 Through the gloom, white skeletons pass, 
 Running and leaping in their shrouds. 
 Zig, zig, zig, each one is frisking. 
 The bones of the dancers are heard to crack- 
 But hist! of a sudden they quit the round, 
 They push forward, they fly; the cock has crowed.
According to the ancient superstition, "Death" appears at midnight every year on Halloween. Death has the power to call forth the dead from their graves to dance for him while he plays his fiddle (represented by a solo violin with its E-string tuned to an E-flat in an example of scordatura tuning). His skeletons dance for him until the first break of dawn, when they must return to their graves until the next year.
Zig, zig, zig, Muerte en cadencia,
atacando una tumba con sus talones,
la Muerte a medianoche toca un baile   (los 12 re dados por el arpa)

Zig, zig, zag, en su violín. (comienza a tocar el violín solista)
El viento invernal sopla, y la noche es oscura;
unos lamentos son oídos en los tilos.
Los esqueletos blancos pasan a través de la oscuridad,
corriendo y saltando en sus mortajas.

Zig, zig, zig, cada uno está brincando
y puedes escuchar los crujidos de los huesos de los bailarines. (los xilófonos)
Una pareja lujuriosa se ​​sienta sobre el musgo (el ambiente musical se torna más romántico)
para probar los placeres perdidos hace tiempo.

Zig Zig, zig, la muerte continúa
con el sempiterno raspado de su instrumento.
¡Un velo ha caído! La bailarina está desnuda.
y su compañero la sujeta amorosamente.
Se dice que la mujer es una marquesa o baronesa
y su verde galante, un pobre carretero.
¡Horror! Mira cómo se entrega a él,
como si el rústico fuese un barón.

Zig, zig, zig. ¡Qué zarabanda!
Todos ellos se cogen de las manos y bailan en círculos. (la pieza llega a su clímax)

Zig, zig, zag. Se puede ver en la multitud
al rey bailando entre los campesinos.

Pero shhh! De repente, todos dejan la danza,
avanzan, vuelan, el gallo ha cantado. (el oboe)
¡Oh, qué hermosa noche para el mundo pobre!
¡Viva la muerte y la igualdad!

El poema sinfónico es un género creado por Franz Liszt que consiste en una pieza orquestal de un único movimiento en el que el contenido de un poema, una novela, un cuadro o un paisaje es evocado mediante la música.

Esta danza macabra en concreto fue compuesta por Saint-Saëns en 1874 y deriva de una pieza anterior, un art song (composiciones con una línea melódica vocal con acompañamiento) para piano y voz cuya letra era un poema de Henri Cazalis basado en una antigua superstición francesa. Posteriormente Saint-Saëns lo arregló como pieza orquestal y la parte vocal pasó a ser para el violín. 

Según la leyenda, La Muerte aparece todos los años el día de Halloween a medianoche y levanta a los muertos de sus tumbas para hacerlos bailar la Danza de la Muerte al son de su violín. El baile macabro termina cuando el cantar de un gallo anuncia el amanecer y todos deben regresar a sus tumbas hasta el año siguiente.

La pieza abre con el arpa emulando las doce campanadas de la media noche acompañado por los suaves acordes de la sección de cuerdas. Las primeras notas que toca el violín solista son un mi bemol y un la, intervalo conocido como tritono o el Diabulus in Musica. Como consecuencia de lo anterior, dicho violín tiene una scordatura (cambio de afinación) en su cuerda normalmente afinada en mi, que pasa a mi bemol para crear ese intervalo representante de La Muerte. 

Tras el solo de la Parca, la flauta comienza la danza de los cadáveres en el cementerio, donde el entrechocar de los huesos de los esqueletos puede oírse interpretado por el xilófono. Diversos elementos complementarios, entre los que destaca una breve fuga y un vals, conducen a un gran clímax interrumpido por el oboe, que es el gallo matinal, y una frase elegíaca del violín lleva a la conclusión de la pieza. 

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Propiedades del sonido (Sound properties)

Hola a todos/as:

5º curso empieza a trabajar las propiedades del sonido con algunos juegos y vídeos.


ALTURA (Pitch): AGUDO (High) GRAVE (Low)

- Sigue la melodía de la flauta de émbolo con la mano.
- Adivinamos HIGH or LOW con el siguiente vídeo:

- Canta la canción "7 son":

DURACIÓN (Duration): LARGO (Long) CORTO (Short)

- Haz sonidos largos o cortos con el triángulo y las claves.
- Vemos el vídeo explicativo de la duración de los sonidos con las figuras musicales:

INTENSIDAD (Intensity): FUERTE (Loud) DÉBIL (Soft)

- Haz sonidos LOUD o SOFT según te pida.
- Sigue la música El otoño de Vivaldi con las claves según suene débil o fuerte.


- Juego de reconocer a mis compañeros con los ojos cerrados y algunos objetos de la clase.

Notas SOL, LA, y SI con la flauta (G, A, B with recorder)

¡Hola a todos/as!

Es el turno de 4º  y 5º curso. Tocad las notas SOL, LA y SI con la flauta dulce. ¡Vamos!

(Hello everybody!
4º and 5º Grade play SOL, LA y SI notes with the recorder. Let's go!)

martes, 1 de octubre de 2019